51,100 Trees Planted in Madagascar 〰️

51,100 Trees Planted in Madagascar 〰️

51,100 Trees Planted in Madagascar 〰️

51,100 Trees Planted in Madagascar 〰️

51,100 Trees Planted in Madagascar 〰️

51,100 Trees Planted in Madagascar 〰️

51,100 Trees Planted in Madagascar 〰️

51,100 Trees Planted in Madagascar 〰️

51,100 Trees Planted in Madagascar 〰️

51,100 Trees Planted in Madagascar 〰️

51,100 Trees Planted in Madagascar 〰️

51,100 Trees Planted in Madagascar 〰️

Fostering Impactful Partnerships

To ensure our reforestation efforts are meaningful and effective, we have forged meaningful partnerships with renowned organizations like Eden Reforestation Projects and Our Forests. Together, we work to plant trees in regions where they are needed most, and where they can make a lasting difference.

Growing Impact

The more we continue to grow as a company, the greater the impact it has on the planet. Every case sold means another tree planted, contributing towards the fight against deforestation, restoration of ecosystems, and the preservation of biodiversity.

Drink Responsibly

With every sip of Passion Tree, you'll taste the devotion to craftsmanship and quality. But beyond the taste, every purchase represents an opportunity to make a lasting difference. Choices do matter and by choosing Passion Tree, you're making a conscious decision to support a brighter future for our planet without sacrificing product quality.

More than 90% of Madagascar's primary forests are destroyed, impacting people living in underserved areas.

Our Current Planting Site

Northwest Region, Madagascar

Where exactly are the trees being planted?

Our restoration area is located on a lowland mangrove forest along the Akalamboro Estuary surrounding the Akalamboro community in northwest Madagascar. The northern edge of this estuary is part of the Baie de Baly National Park.